New Posts AI Companion 1 11
Visual Studio extension or standalone application. Answers questions, analyzes project files, and works alongside to streamline development and boost productivity.

New Posts X360 Controller Emulator 1 11
Allows your gamepad, joystick, wheel, etc. to function as an Xbox 360 controller. For example, it lets you play games as “GTA” with Logitech Steering Wheel.

No New Posts Clock for Windows PC or Phone 00
Digital clock with alarm for desktop, laptop, tablet or windows phone (simplified version). Shows date and time. Changeable fonts, colors, opacity and audio-video.
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New Posts Text to Speech Monitor 57
Reads “World of Warcraft” quests and chat messages with text-to-speech voices. Includes WoW Addon

No New Posts JavaScript.NET Class Library 00
Object Oriented JavaScript class library in C#/.NET style. It is in deep alpha stage, so not all code is available to see.
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No New Posts Phonetic Password Generator 00
Generates easy to remember passwords. Can convert any text or password into phonetic alphabets, to pass it easy through phone.
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No New Posts Advanced Keyboards 00
Additional keyboard layouts. LT (US·UK·FR): LT letters under numbers. RU Phonetic (US·UK): RU letters under EN phonetic equivalents: Ц=C, Д=D, F=Ф, etc..
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No New Posts Web Screen Saver 00
Allows to use Internet web pages as Windows screen saver. You can protect your computer by enabling screen saver locking feature in Windows Screen Saver Settings.
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No New Posts 3D Printed CNC Machine 00
Products and tools which will help to assemble CNC Machine.
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No New Posts Temperature Controlled 3D Printer Enclosure 1 00
Temperature controlled 3D printer enclosure with motion sensor controlled LED lights.
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No New Posts Audio Source Switch and Volume Control Boxes 00
Audio source switch and volume control boxes.
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No New Posts Bicycle Turn and Stop Signals 00
Bicycle turn and stop signals.
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No New Posts Computer Hardware 00
The Best Personal Computer Hardware.
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No New Posts Home Hardware 00
The Best Home Hardware.
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No New Posts Green Hardware 00
The Best Green Hardware.
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No New Posts NPU: Nexus Processing Unit 00
NPU: Nexus Processing Unit - How to connect Virtual and Real worlds.
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No New Posts Léo Taxil – “La Bible amusante” 00
Donnant les citations textuelles de l'écriture sainte et reproduisant toutes les réfutations opposées par Voltaire, Fréret, lord Bolingbroke, Toland & autres critiques.
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No New Posts Лео Таксиль – «Забавная Библия» 00
Антирелигиозная книга француза Лео Таксиля, где он указывает на имеющиеся противоречия, ошибки и ложные верования в Ветхом Завете.
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No New Posts Leo Taksilis - „Biblijos linksmybės“ 1 00
Antireliginė knyga, kurioje prancūzų autorius Leo Taksilis nurodo Biblijoje esančius prieštaravimus, klaidas ir melą.
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No New Posts Leo Taxil – “Biblia Hazlie” 00
În carte, Taxil citează și comentează în stil umoristic inadvertențele textului Bibliei și ia în derâdere contradicțiile ce există între diferite capitole ale Vechiului Testament.
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No New Posts Лео Таксиль – «Священный вертеп» 00
Антирелигиозная книга француза Лео Таксиля, где он воссоздает историю католицизма, западной ветви христианства.
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No New Posts Leo Taksilis - „Evangelijos linksmybės“ 1 00
Antireliginė knyga, kurioje prancūzų autorius Leo Taksilis nurodo Evangelijoje esančius prieštaravimus, klaidas ir melą.
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No New Posts Balys Sruoga – „Dievų miškas“ 00
Memuarinis veikalas apie Štuthofo koncentracijos stovyklą.
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No New Posts Anglų kalbos gramatika 00
Knyga skirta pradedantiems mokytis anglų kalbos ir tiems, kas nori su savimi turėti gramatikos atmintinę, jeigu reikėtų greitai pasitikslinti žinias.
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