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2020-04-04Ligos eiga ir viruso plitimas

Viruso pavadinimas: SARS-CoV-2
Simptomų pavadinimas: COVID-19

Ligos eiga:

1 diena - Besimptomė stadija.
5 diena - Simptomų pradžia.
7 diena - Atsiranda IgM antikūnai.
9 diena - IgM antikūnai tampa aptinkami.
14 diena - Pacientas pradeda sveikti. Atsiranda IgG antikūnai.
21 diena - Pacientas pasveiko. IgG antikūnai suteikia imunitetą.
28 diena - IgM antikūnai išnyksta.

Coronavirus COVID-19: Coronavirus COVID-19 Global Cases by CSSE at JHU
Coronavirus COVID-19: WorldoMeters COVID-19 Coronavirus Pandemic
Genomic epidemiology: Genomic Epidemiology of Novel Coronavirus
European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control: Weekly COVID-19 country overview



  • Rekomenduojamas vaistas: Paracetamolis
  • Temperatūra suaktyvina imuninę sistema, todėl patartina nenaudoti paracetamolio (nebent temperatūra pakyla virš 38.5°C).
  • Paracetamolis pradeda veikti maždaug po 30 min. po suvartojimo.
  • Paracetamolio poveikis trunka apie 4-6 valandas.
  • Nenaudoti ibuprofeno ir aspirino, nes jie pristabdo antikūnių gamybą, kurių reikia kovai prieš virusą (nebent gydytojas nurodė vartoti).


2020-04-22Viešai parduodami nereceptiniai vaistai

Turėkite vaistų namuose porą savaičių į priekį, kad sirgdamas neužkrėstumėte kitų pirkdami.

Atminkite, kad geriausias būdas gauti visus reikalingus vitaminus ir mineralus yra per sveiką mitybą.

2020-04-22Vitaminas C

Vitaminas C yra svarbi maistinė medžiaga, kuri palaiko imuninės sistemos funkcionavimą.

Profilaktiškai karantino periodu :

  • Suagusiems: 500mg
  • Vaikams: 250mg

Vitamino C dienos norma yra apie 1 miligramas per kūno kilogramą per dieną.


2020-04-04Vitaminas D

Vitamino D papildai apsaugo nuo ūminių kvėpavimo takų infekcijų, įskaitant peršalimą ir gripą.

Vartoti per dieną:

  • Profilaktiškai karantino periodu: 800-1000 IU
  • Įtariant kontaktą su viruso nešiotoju: 1000-2000 IU
  • Sunkėjant simptomams: 4000 IU

Vitamino D dienos norma yra 400-800 IU per dieną. 1 IU = 0.025 μg
Tyrimai rodo, kad geriausiai virusą paveikė pas tuos, kurie naudojo kas dieną po 800 IU (20μg).


2020-04-22N-Acetyl-Cysteine (NAC)

N-acetilcisteinas ženkliai sušvelnina į gripą panašius simptomus ir gerinina ląstelių imunitetą.

Vartoti per dieną:

  • Profilaktiškai karantino periodu: 600 mg 
  • Įtariant kontaktą su viruso nešiotoju: 600 mg du kartus per dieną (ryte ir vakare)

Gripo virusų infekuotų pacientų tyrimas parodė, kad simptominė forma išsivystė: 79% pacientų placebo grupėje, ir tik 25% pacientų gydomiems NAC.


2020-04-04Cinkas ir Quercetinas (Zinc and Quercetin)

Cinkas stabdo viruso dauginimąsi ląstelės viduje.
Quercetinas (cinko jonoforas) padeda patekti cinkui į ląstelės vidų.

Vartoti per dieną - Cinkas:

  • Profilaktiškai karantino periodu: 25 mg

Vartoti per dieną - Quercetinas:

  • Įtariant kontaktą su viruso nešiotoju: 500 mg
  • Pasireiškus simptomams: 500 mg du kartus per dieną (vakare ir ryte)
  • Sunkėjant simptomams: didinti iki 3 g

Mokslinis tyrimas naudojo nuo 3g iki 7g Querecetine per dieną.



Temperatūros pakilimas suaktyvina imuninę sistemą.

Alternatyva saunai - Vonia:

  • Pripildyti vonią 39-42°C vandens.
  • Sėdėti įmerkus pusę kūno 20-30 min. (arba 10 min. nuo momento, kai veidas pradeda prakaituoti).
  • Esmė, kad pusė kūno butų karštyje, o pusė šaltyje.
  • Po to galima nusilieti šaltu vandeniu.

Alternatyva saunai - Kontrastinis dušas (14 min):

  • 5 minutės karšto vandens.
  • 1 minutė   šalto vandens.
  • 3 minutės karšto vandens.
  • 1 minutė   šalto vandens.
  • 3 minutės karšto vandens.
  • 1 minutė   šalto vandens.



Miegantiems 8 ir daugiau valandų simptomai pasireiškia 2.94 karto rečiau, nei miegantiems 7 ir mažiau valandų.


Respirators and Filters
Respirators and Filters
Filtering Standards
US Standards
Rating Filters at least % of airborne particles

Not (N) Oil Resistant Particulate Filters

N95  95.00%
N99  99.00%
N100 99.97%

Oil Resistant (R) Particulate Filters

R95  95.00%
R99  99.00%
R100 99.97%

Oil Proof (P) Particulate Filters

P95  95.00%
P99  99.00%
P100 99.97%
EU Standards

Particulate (P) Filters
European standard EN 143

P1   80.00%
P2   94.00%
P3   99.95%

Filtering Facepiece (FFP) Respirators
European standard EN 149
Half Mask Respirators (EU)
Half Facepiece Respirators (US)

FFP1 80.00%
FFP2 94.00%
FFP3 99.00%

Full Face Masks Respirators
European standard EN 136
Full Face Mask Respirators (EU)
Full Facepiece Respirators (US)

Class 1 Light duty work and are low maintenance
Class 2 General duty work, and include maintainable parts
Class 3 Heavy duty use and fire fighters

2020-043M6000 Series Full Face Mask Respirator (EN136: Class 1)€95

EU & US: 3 sizes: 6700-small, 6800-medium, 6900-large

2020-043MFF-400 Series Full Face Mask Respirator (EN136: Class 2)€180

US: 3 sizes: FF-401-small, FF-402-medium, FF-403-large

2020-043M7000 Series Full Face Mask Respirator (7907S - EN136: Class 2)€230

EU: 1 size: 7907S-single size
US: 3 sizes: 7800S-S-small, 7800S-M-medium, 7800S-L-large

The 7907S Full Face Respirator is used with twin lightweight filters which are fitted by a simple bayonet attachment system, providing an economical and flexible choice.

• Flexible system (gas/vapour and/or particulate filters plus Supplied-Air option).
• Soft, pliable hypo-allergenic, facepiece material.
• Dual filter design reduces breathing resistance and improves weight distribution for greater comfort.
• Large, polycarbonate lens.
• Double face sealing gasket ensures a better fit.
• Speech diaphragm improves communication.
• Six strap harness assembly for easy adjustment and a reliable fit.
• Soft compound inner nose-cup increases user comfort.
• Spectacle kit available.

The 7907S Full facepiece can be used with a variety of different filter / product options:

• Gas and vapour filters - The 6000 series filters fit directly onto the 7907S full facepiece.
• Particulate filters - The 2000 series particulate filters fit directly onto the 7907S full facepiece. The 5911/5925/5935 particulate filters may be used on their own with platform 603 & retainer 501.
• A combination of gas / vapour and particulate filters - The 5911 / 5925 / 5935 particulate filters can be used with 6000 series gas / vapour filters using retainer 501.
• Supplied-Air mode using the 3M S-200 Respirator System.


2020-04-04Cleaning and Disinfecting 3M Reusable Respirators

  • Use 7.5L water (+49°C max) + 30ml sodium hypochlorite (household "bleach").
  • Solvents and strong detergents may damage 3M masks and should not be used for cleaning.
  • Do not use cleaners containing lanolin or other oils.
  • Soaking in IPA (Isopropanol / Isopropyl Alcohol) solution resulted in degradation of inhalation valves after ~20 cycles, for 6200 and 7500 facepieces.


2020-04APC PureSodium Hypochlorite 4% (500 ml)€5

Sodium Hypochlorite: 4.0-4.99%

Hazard Class: 8

Packing Group: 3

Hazard Phrases: May be corrosive to metals. Causes severe skin burns and eye damage. Very toxic to aquatic life. Contact with acids liberates toxic gas.

Shelf Life: 3 Years


2020-043M2138 Particulate Filters (P3)€12

2020-043M6038 Particulate Filters (P3)€12

2020-043M2135 Particulate Filters (P3)€10

2020-043M6035 Particulate Filters (P3)€10

6035 particulate filter protects from viruses.

3M 6035 encapsulated P3 R particulate filters are for use with a wide range of 3M full-face and half-face masks (Series 6000/7000/7800/9000) and are easy to click into place thanks to the bayonet connection. They offer respiratory protection against solid and liquid particles, and they’re encapsulated in a robust plastic case for easy cleaning.

• Protects against solid and liquid particulates
• For use with 3M half-face and full-face respirator masks
• Encapsulated in robust plastic case so they can be wiped clean
• Bayonet connection with a simple twist-and-click fitting
• Innovative design allows you to check the seal by a simple squeeze of the filters
• Lightweight with low breathing resistance
• Maximum use concentration for full-face masks: 40 x workplace exposure limit (WEL)
• Maximum use concentration for half-face masks: 20 x workplace exposure limit (WEL)


Filters (Alternative)

2020-043M6055 Organic Vapour Filters (A2)€12

6055 organic vapour filter doesn't protect from viruses. You can use it to attach 5935 particulate filter with 501 filter retainer to mask.  

Replacement filters for spray painting, brush and roller painting
A2 protection against organic gases and vapours such as solvent based paint, adhesive and cleaning detergents*
Use with 3M reusable masks in 6000, 6500 and 7000 series
Provides good field of vision as a result of the unique trapezoidal shape
Lightweight, low breathing resistance, well balanced when fitted to mask
Tested and approved to comply with European standards - CE Mark 0086 (EN 14387:2004+A1:2008 A2)
Users must be trained and have read all user instructions. Misuse may cause injury, severe or life threatening illness
No natural rubber latex components
Compatible with 3M Eyewear and Hearing Protection

2020-043M5935 Particulate Filters (P3)€6

5935 particulate filter protects from viruses.

Replacement filters for use in combination with 3M gas and vapour filters
P3 protection against high level fine dusts and oil or water based mists*
Use with 3M reusable masks in 6000, 6500 and 7000 series
Suitable for trade orbital or manual sanding or when there is a need for combination gas, vapour and particulate protection such as paint spraying. To be used on 6000 series 3M filter cartridges in combination with 501 filter holder
Tested and approved to comply with European standards - CE Mark 0086 (EN 143:2000 P3 R)
Users must be trained and have read all user instructions. Misuse may cause injury, severe or life threatening illness
No natural rubber latex components
Compatible with 3M Eyewear and Hearing Protection

2020-043M501 Filter Retainer€5

Designed to hold 3M Particulate Filter 5N11 and 5P71/07194 (AAD) (sold separately)
Component works with 3M Respirator 5000 Series, 3M Cartridges 6000 Series and 3M™ Filter Adapter 603
Color: Translucent white
Measures 4” high x 8.5” long x 4.5” wide
Refer to the Filter/Cartridge User Instructions for further information.
Used to hold 3M™ Particulate Filters 5N11 and 5P71/07194(AAD) in place on top of 3M™ Respirators 5000 Series and 3M™ Cartridges 6000 Series and 3M™ Filter Adapter 603.

The 3M™ Filter Retainer 501, Respiratory Protection System Component holds 3M™ Particulate Filters 5N11 and 5P71/07194 (AAD) in place on top of 3M™ Respirators 5000 Series, 3M™ Cartridges 6000 Series and 3M™ Filter Adapter 603 (all respirators, filters, cartridges, and adapters sold separately).

Disinfecting and reusing Filters

Some masks and filters can be disinfected without reducing the filtration efficiency of the meltblown layer. Two best methods found:

  1. 75°C Hot Air for 30 mins. Mask can be reused 20 times.
  2. UV (254 nm, 8W) for 30 min. Mask can be reused 10 times.

Disinfecting masks by using steam, 75% alcohol or chlorine-based solution will reduce filter efficiency and is not recommended.


2020-04-04Lifespan of COVID-19 Virus on Surfaces



Gripo ir COVID-19 mirtingumo palyginimas: Flu vs COVID-19 Death Rate by Age

COVID-19 mirtingumas pagal amžių, lytį ir svorį: [PDF] ICNARC COVID-19 Report